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The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.Click hereto review our site terms of use.

Once you own DavorCoins, they behave like physical gold coins: they possess value and can be traded like stocks in popular exchanges. In the future youll be able to use them to purchase goods and services.
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It is a form of digital public money created by complex mathematical computations and validated by millions of computer users (blockchain technology).
DavorCoin has been created by bankers and traders from major financial institutions (based in London, Paris and other EU cities). We realize the financial transactions in the world are going to be revolutionized by cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Based on this analysis, weve built a tech and financial team to create a blockchain platform to make worldwide financial transactions faster, cheaper and more reliable.
Track, budget, and manage your money from your phone with Mint for Android.
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DavorCoin is a new cryptocurrency which aims to become the best alternative to current popular coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
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DavorCoins are digital coins which you can store on your computer drive, smartphone, hardware wallet or somewhere in the cloud.
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Complete payments immediately and securely from your Android device.