Blockchain said that as of January, it had 1.1 million registered users and 200 million page views per month. The site is popular among those monitoring Bitcoin statistics such as new coins that have been mined through the public ledger confirmation process.

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Later, the company added another blog post onhow to import wallet data into a local wallet app. The company recommends using theMultibit wallet softwareand givesinstructions on how to do sofor those who have their wallet information. For those who dont, Blockchain said people canfile a request from Blockchainto get it.
Unlike other services that have ownership over private keys [data used to sign bitcoin transactions], Blockchain is superior because it allows users to access their private keys, thus enabling them to have access to their funds under circumstances such as this. It is very important for us to emphasize how crucial it is that users make regular backups of their wallets. Doing so will allow users to import their funds into a wallet client such as MultiBit and therefore avoid the headache and stress of being unable to access their funds, for whatever reason.
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Please rest assured that your wallets are safe and this outage does not affect the security of funds or the completion of executed transactions…
Blockchain is experiencing a technical issue that has forced us to temporarily interrupt services. The outage was caused by a bug in some database handling code. We are working hard to fix the issue and restore service as soon as possible, but anticipate the outage may last more than an hour, as it requires restarting database servers with very largedata sets. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this recent outage has caused you.
Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. We delete comments that violateour policy, which we encourage you to read. Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion.
A site that houses more than 1.4 million bitcoin wallets has been down for more than 16 hours, but says users still have control over their virtual money.
With thehigh-profile collapse of Bitcoin exchange site Mt. Goxin February and thenFlexcoins failureearlier in March, Bitcoin backers could be forgiven for fretting about the fate of their virtual currency. Blockchain servers housenearly 1.4 million bitcoin wallets, but the company says the access problem is only a temporary glitch — albeit one thats lasted more than 16 hours so far.
Blockchain Limited Chief Security Officer Andreas M. Antonopoulos said in ablog post Monday:
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Blockchain doesnt take control of users bitcoins, the company said:
A database problem has knockedBlockchains Bitcoin wallet service offline for hours.