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Take control of your funds! With Edge, only YOU have access to your funds or transaction data. Neither Edge or any 3rd party can access your money or data. You get the financial privacy and autonomy that blockchain was designed for, with the ease of use even grandma could handle.
Store your bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin in a secure wallet.

1. Autocomplete contacts from the users address book after a transaction
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Privacy, autonomy, and security all in one easy to use blockchain wallet.
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Powerful and easy to use cryptocurrency wallet allowing users to easily control their own private keys with the familiarity and ease of mobile banking.
Complete payments immediately and securely from your Android device.
2. Autocomplete contacts from the users address book to send Email or SMS payment requests
– Simple account creation using just a login & password (no printing of PDFs, writing down pass phrases, or adding encryption settings)
The Edge application requests access to the device contact list, and personal information. This information is used on the device to provide an improved user experience in the following ways:
An excellent expense manager & tracker to track all your expenses in one place.
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Coinbase – Buy and sell bitcoin. Crypto Wallet
No personal info or contact list info ever leaves the device without first being encrypted by the users credentials (username/password). Neither Edge nor any 3rd party can access the information requested by the application.
Promote cracked software, or other illegal content
The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.Click hereto review our site terms of use.
Zero-knowledge & zero-access to user funds, keys, or transaction data by Edge or 3rd parties