Amount you earn on per day basis on Tokens you own
Based on 0.30 % Fee on Total Volume
BINEX.TRADE offers unique pairing set for cryptocurrencies with BTC, BEX, USDT that makes BINEX.TRADE an exclusively dedicated platform for exchange thereby setting a new trend of trading amongst the crypto traders.
BINEX.TRADE security system operates on a state-of-the-art digital infrastructure. It has a multi-cluster system architecture that functions on a multi-tier platform that provides high-end security to every single transaction made at the exchange. The complete trade cycle on BINEX.TRADE has been designed with end-to-end security measures and improved auditing processes.
Please beware of impersonator! No one from BINEX.TRADE team will request
NOTE: All calculations are based on Dividing Commission amongst 21 MILLION Tokens
BEX is a real utility token that entitles the token owner to 70% of trade fee collected by BINEX.TRADE exchange platform.
Long Term Growth is not guaranteed due to market volatility
All values are displayed in US Dollar
BEX Tokens are Utility tokens that generate recurring income
The System will take a snapshot of your current BEX balance every 24hrs. 00:00 GMT. Based on income per token, the system will credit balance in your reward wallet.
Token that entitles buyers to share 70% of trading fee generated
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BINEX.TRADE provides space for immediate buying and selling of cryptocurrency once spotted to be favourable for the user to either sell or buy. This is one of the simple order types and has no control over the price received. In other conditions of less immediacy, the user can use limit order type. This will allow the trade user to have control over the price at which the trade takes place, thereby giving the user an edge to sell or buy the cryptocurrency at no less than a specific price.
Exchange will take a snapshot of the BEX balance in users BEX Wallet at 00.00 GMT every day and share revenue on the basis of the balance the user holds as Bex token in their exchange wallet.
Binex.Trade, a cryptocurrency exchange that aims to reinvent the sharing economics by combining the power of BEX token and decentralisation to deliver profits to our stakeholders from our daily trade revenue.
Regulatory Environment can impact business
Kindly ignore such request and do not trust them.
contribution via telegram, email or any other channel or form.
Value of BEX may rise as volume of trade increases on the exchange
Copyright @ 2018BINEX.TRADEAll rights reserved
Buy BEX & Get 70% share of revenue earned on Binex.Trade
What are the risks factors involved in buying BEX?
70% of Commission Earning distributed to Token owners
BEX Tokens can be used to trade other cryptocurrencies
7,057,320 BEX Tokens Purchased (39.21%)
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Great way to diversify your crypto-portfolio
Amount you earn in Two years basis on Tokens you own
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Out of the total 21 million tokens created, 1 million are shared amongst the founders and advisors, 2 million are distributed as pre-registration bonus and the remaining 18 million tokens are made available to the users.
Amount you earn in Six Months basis on Tokens you own
Inability to establish a successful business
Why Should You Invest In BEX Tokens
Pre-register your trading account & GET 3 BEX BONUS
BEX Tokens are Real Utility Tokens that entitles token holders to a 70% share of the daily revenue generated at Binex.Trade. It is to be noted that Utility Tokens are used to transact, exchange, and access products or services, providing a utility of some sort.
Token value should be between 100 and 10,00,000
BINEX.TRADE opens a gateway for lenders and traders to get maximum out of the trading process. This allows a user to open a position with up to 2x to 3x leverage. The lending amount is provided in two ways: either the borrower places the amount of fund needed with the duration and rate of ones choice or let the BINEX.TRADE system take out funds for the user at the most efficient rate at that opportune time once the user opens a position for trade.
210 Thousand / 21 MillionEarning per token
Amount you earn on per month basis on Tokens you own
Token value should be between 100 and 10,00,000
Amount you earn in One year basis on Tokens you own
Amount you earn in Three year basis on Tokens you own
67,127 Accounts Pre-registered (11.99%)