Bitcoin Price Index

Crypto exchange Gemini has hired former NYSE chief information officer Robert Cornish to serve as its first chief technology officer.

Bitcoin Pizza Day 2: How A Lightning Payment Just Made History

Bitcoins short-term bull market has paused at the key technical resistance of $6,750.

PoWx: The New Effort to Change Bitcoin Mining Explained

Binance has suspended trading services after one token on its platform was reported with abnormal transactions.

Bitcoin Awaits Price Breakout As Trading Range Tightens

Europes largest trader of exchange-traded funds(ETF) is entering the crypto world.

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Bitcoin retains the short-term bullish bias despite the pullback from the 11-day highs.

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How Does Blockchain Technology Work?

Bitcoin is reporting a $400 trading range and an upside breakout would signal a resumption of the rally.

What is a Decentralized Application?

Crypto Exchange Gemini Hires Former NYSE Tech Chief

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Switzerlands principal stock exchange will build a blockchain-based platform to tokenize traditional securities for further trading and settlement.

As the Indian Supreme Court declined to end the Reserve Bank of Indias crypto curb, exchanges in India are taking different actions.

CoinDesks looks at bitcoins price performance over Q2 2018, finding that the crypto asset underperformed according to historical data.

Jul 6, 2018 at 16:35Omkar Godbole,Sebastian SinclairandSam Ouimet

A token seeking to power an ecosystem of applications is consolidating gains after a bout of big news this week.

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