A cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency. Cryptocurrencies are a subset of alternative currencies, or specifically of digital currencies. Cryptocurrency App is Fastest, Powerful & live converter & calculator. It helps to convert the selected currency even if theres no internet connectivity. It supports, Bitcoin BTCEthereum ETHEthereum Classic ETC Expanse EXPNEM XEMLisk LSKMonero XMRSteem STEEMSteem Dollar SBDStratis STRATLBRY Credits LBCMaidSafeCoin MAIDFactom FCTLitecoin LTCBytecoin BCNRipple XRPDogecoin DOGESynereo AMPNxt NXTDash DASHDashcoin DSHRadium RADSDigitalNote XDNDigitalNote XDNAeonCoin AEONNuBits NBTFantomCoin FCNQuazarCoin QCN.

Store your bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin in a secure wallet.
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Cryptocurrency Converter for Android
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