Suspicious users will be prevented by the xss_clean method which also prevents the malicious file uploading.
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Implementing high-end Technical features in the Cryptocurrency Exchange solution with user-friendly appearance is our speciality
We can make your Bitcoin exchange trading website with more responsive which is adopt for Desktop, Laptop, iPad, Android and iPhone. Device compatibility option provides better relationship from your valuable customers
We offer the Trading software for different Operating systems like Windows, MAC, Android, etc.,
Instant Cryptocurrency Trade / Exchange solution is also known as Market Cryptocurrency Trade / Exchange. As the name says, here the Cryptocurrency Trade takes place with the market price of the Cryptocurrencies. Market price can either be the price that is taken from third party live price API providers or the price given by website Admin
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Authentication & Detection provides the eye security mechanism to make the transaction fulfilled by the participators of trade.
Leverage trading in the Cryptocurrency Exchange platform is commonly used for investing on a partial percentage of the total share. The Trader can sell the shares bought whenever the cost increases. Here the Beginners might start with minimal leverage and the experienced use higher leverage to maximise their wins.
Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of
Robust Cryptocurrency trading script provides wide range of services from our proficient experts for global crypto trading business
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Diligent in providing services and ethical assistance in cryptocurrency industry
The Cryptocurrency Exchange solution developed are robust enough to handle 2000+ Cryptocurrencies with unlimited Fiat currencies.
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Subscribe with us to know the latest updates of Cryptocurrency business industry and hot news of digital currency world
Merchant API solution is the package of Trade API (Share your orderbooks to other cryptocurrency exchange software), Wallet API (To provide Merchant wallet to other cryptocurrency Trading Softwares) and Payment Gateway API (The E-commerce platforms are allowed to accept payments in the Cryptocurrency through your Merchant Payment service) to buy all in one platform
Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Margin Trading is a simple trading process where the traders can borrow coins from the Lenders based on the margin created by the Lenders. The borrowed amount can be traded in this trading section to make profit. 1) The Borrower should be eligible (needs secured fund) 2) The Borrowed amount should be reverted back to the Lender with agreed interest rate
The DDoS Attacks can be prevented using periodic penetration testing, Custom WAF rules, Security notifications, etc.,
Donation concept is integrated to raise fund in different Business Models. Inorder to implement or introduce new concepts, many startup firms can make use of the Cryptocurrency Donation technique to raise funds. Cryptocurrency Donation is far better than the usual donations sent through Bank.
Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Liquidity is the process of implementing third-party Cryptocurrency Exchanges order books into the website inorder to increase the flow of Cryptocurrency Trade in the website. We can get entire order book from third party exchange and show it on your Cryptocurrency Exchange platform to build the users initially for your business
Globally recognised cryptocurrency solution provider that focuses mainly on customer satisfaction
Secure Header on HTTP Request / Response such as – X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, HTTP Only, Set Secure flag.
The Trading software is highly secured with different security measures like CSRF protection, AES Encryption, XSS protection, Secure Flag setting, etc.,
The user who has the eligible balance (balance determined by the Administrator) is considered as the Lenders. Lenders are allowed to lend their coins to any Borrower based on his/her own interest. 1) Lender must check the genuineness of the Borrower 2) The lenders are allowed to lend the percentage fixed by the website Administrator
Binary Options Trade allows the traders to make profit using the market fluctuations. The traders prediction in the market price makes the profit & loss. The outcome is always YES or NO as the name specifies. The predicton time can be from 30 seconds to 1 year. Every successful prediction can get minimum 70% of invested amount.
Rendering authentic service in building cryptocurrency trading/exchange solution
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection for the fraudulent victims will be notified to the Administrator.
The smart contract is a set of rules written for the Ethereum based coins (Tokens). Most of the coins are mined by physical rigs whereas, Ethereum and its tokens use the solidity language to generate coins. Smart Contract, 1) Function as a secured Multi-signature account, 2) Manages the agreement between users, 3) Also contains the secured information like storage, registrations, etc.,
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a platform used to introduce a new coin mined, for the Crypto Market users. ICO is taken place in two phases Pre- ICO and Post ICO. Pre- ICO is the phase where the Admin distributes the new coin to the users with a value fixed by the Admin. This is open for a period of time. Post ICO is the phase where the users trade with other users with the market value
The Cryptocurrency Trading script is fully optimized to add any number of Cryptocurrencies and trading pairs in the future.
Supporting Customers efficiently in a Friendly manner to ensure the Customer satisfaction.
Coinjoker predicts the future of Cryptocurrency trading business and always offer trustworthy and unique business solutions with cutting-edge technologies
Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of
Start Your Own Cryptocurrency Altcoin Bitcoin Ethereum Exchange Platform. We provide solid secure White Label Cryptocurrency Exchange Script.
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Multi Level Marketing is also referred as Network or Referral Marketing that are integrated on the Cryptocurrency Exchange platform. Here the users revenue is determined in two forms, 1) Direct commission for every trade done by the user 2) Referral commission for every trade done by the referrals (Users in the next level)
Helping out with the integration of secure wallet to store the currencies and utilize same for trading.
The Hot Wallet is an Online wallet where the coins are stored on the E-wallet. Every Centralized Cryptocurrency Exchange will have an E-wallet to store the users currencies on the Cryptocurrency exchange. The Cold wallet is a storage space where the coins are stored in the paper or pendrive or Hard-disk
Highly secured cryptocurrency trading engine development with unique features