EyelineTrading Full Presentation Overview.
We are a platform for the future of financing, which is supported by energy.
NOTE: In this example we are using US dollars; this would actually be in BTC as we do not take payment in dollars, or payout in dollars. This was just to try to make it as easy as possible to understand. If BTC goes down, your profits would be less and if BTC goes up your profits would be more. Example BTC values will change according to the price of BTC.

Get Started with as little as $40 USD of Bitcoin per package!
The mission of Eyeline Trading is to make accessible- leveraged strategies that lead you down a pathway to wealth. Giving everyone the chance to take control of their finances, free up their time and allow freedom.
Eyeline Trading is bringingALLof these amazing products to the world through our amazing affiliate structure that not only allows you to gain rewards from our BTC trading packages, but also allows you to earn unlimited commissions on referrals.
Eyeline Trading is a marketing company for Eyeline Business and Development. Eyeline Business and Development has been a leader in the Cryptocurrency space for the several years now.
Get your wallet and start sending and receiving cryptocurrencies.
You can publish your cryptocurrencies with the amount you want in our exchange system, buy other currencies with your local currency or whatever you wish.
Eyewallet has an optimal support in transaction and payment systems, thus achieving safety and efficiency in one place.
Your privacy and personal data is important to us. Thisprivacy statementwill explain the type of data we collect and what its being used for. By clicking I Agree you accept the terms of this privacy agreement.
*Tokens not available for purchase in the USA.
Store your cryptocurrencies in our Vault, Eyewallet has protection 24 hours a day, under strict security regulations.
The BTC package gives all Eyeline Trading members the opportunity to share in the Profits of Eyeline Business and Developments trading program. Most profits are fee based from the wallet, exchange, buying and selling, and more; there are also profits from trading Crypto/Forex and mining operations.
Some things to know before getting started:
Supported in renewable, conventional and unconventional energies, EYECASH currently attracts a large number of buyers and investors. Through CoinPayment or the Eyewallet wallet, the tokens can be exchanged.
BTC Trading Packages:you can be rewarded up to .66% per day of all the money that goes into your trading account for 365 days. After the 365 days your package expires, and you get your original balance back,plusall the profits you have earned for 365 days. Example on a $40 package (approx .00555 BTC) $20 (approx. .00275 BTC) goes towards the trading package and $20 (approx. .00275 BTC) goes towards operations and commissions. So once your package starts paying out you would earn approx. 13 cents per day for 365 days or approx. $48 (approx .0066 BTC) and then at the end of the contract you would also get your $20 that was in your trading account back for a total of $68 (approx. .009 BTC).**
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Eyeline Trading Update for July 31st, 2018 We have been working hard behind the scenes and have several updates to make. We are going to run our first purge at midnight Eastern […]
We are designed to provide ease and reliability in project payments and energy services. In addition, we have created the EYECASH [EYC] token, which is a unique asset, based on realization of exchanges and payments of conventional, unconventional and alternative energy consumption, with the necessary financing from users and cooperatives participating in the sector, in countries of the American and Asian continent, except in the Republic of China.
**Disclaimer: One must only purchase as much as he/she can afford to spend and fully understand the risks involved with cryptocurrency. The information provided inEyeline Tradingvideos and accompanying material is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. Packages are limited to 250 packages per member, only accredited investors allowed to exceed this quantity. There are no guarantee of .66% in daily returns- it is the maximum.
Get cryptocurrencies at the corner store! EYEPAYCARD is the simplest and fastest way to obtain cryptocurrencies without the need of banks or credit cards. In seconds. EYEPAYCARD is a coupon that you can buy at your local store and then exchange it for cryptocurrencies such as bitcoins or ethers at the most famous exchange houses.
The backoffice is still under construction. Lock in your position, get plugged in and please be patient; this is about to get very exciting for everyone.
Eyeline Tradings affiliate plan is based onthree basic wealth principles:Put some of your money to work for you, compound your profits, and create leverage by building a team.
Security confidentiality and privacy
Founder of Eyeline Business Development, Jean Paul Ramirez, has been a leader in the financial industry for many years, Starting in 2001 when he became licensed broker certified by the CCS stock exchange. He recieved the commission to buy and sell gold from 2003-2006 and set up an escrow account in 2007 for$70,000,000.00with Banco Mercantil S.A.. In 2014 he got his license with Goldman Sachs, and managed accounts worth more then$2,300,000.00!In 2015, he was licensed with TD Ameritrade in the USA, managing accounts of over $1,500,000.00. He also started in the Crypto industry in late 2015, and now has a cutting edge mining facility, research center, wallet, exchange, peer to peer exchange, debit cards, trading platform, and a coin working on alternative power.
Renewable energy is the basis of Eyecash
Eyeline Trading wants to be as transparent as possible. 50% of all trading packages go towards operations and commissions, and 50% goes directly into your trading account!
It is important to understand that in an affiliate plan that offers a crypto trading package, the money that comes in can go towards trading, or operations and commissions;however, the same money cant go into both. Funds are not pooled.
The EYECASH token will be launched on the Ethereum platform.
EyelineTrading update for 8-13-2018. Marketing system, E-Wallet purchases, KYC, EyeWallet, Colombia Visit.
Were confident youll find thatEyeline Tradingis truly something special once youve reviewed our mission andcompensation plan.
We believe its time for a company and a group of like-minded individuals to take a stand and create an opportunity that can change the world. Building a brand that can change the futures of millions is not something that we take lightly. It is our commitment that you quickly experience for yourself how passionate we are about making a true change in your financial position, and that of your family.
EYEWALLET CARD is a pre-paid virtual card where you can make deposits and withdrawals. The goal is to be accepted in hundreds of online sites around the world. We want it to be chosen by the users for being instantaneous, flexible in its limits, confidential and secure.
A complete and global financial currency, destined to feed the future of blockchain technology innovation.
Disclaimer:Cryptocurrency trading involves risk, and is not suitable for everyone. DO NOT make purchases in excess of what you cant afford to lose.
The token launch price will be $ 0,08 USD and be equivalent to 1 KW of energy per token.
© 2018 EyelineTrading.io – All Rights Reserved – This site is operated by a decentralized group of independent Eyeline Trading members.
You have 7 days to upgrade a new account by purchasing at least 1 Trading Package or else your account will get flushed and you will lose your position in the forced matrix.
All website content is intended for informational purposes only.
4 Ways to Earn, No Monthly Autoship, Spillover Volume is Commissionable!
Eyecash security token supported by renewable energy.
Every single member of Eyeline Trading works together as ONE driving force. Rewards are not divided by competing teams. Rewards are shared.