40+ Passive Income Ideas and Ways to Make Extra Money

While compiling this list, I did my best to avoid scams, and stick with practical ideas that work. I have tried many (but not all) of these ideas. Some of these helped me earned a few dollars here and there, but there are some that helped me earn extra money on the side every single day and some are still providing me with revenue! Note that not all ideas will fit your skills and abilities. What works for you depends on your abilities and your current financial situation.

I have liked your ideas and I request to always send me those documents.thank you.

Love this list! So many new ways ? In the past I have done typing transcription for medical practices too at the end of the day, they email voice files, that I type up into documents, and email back to them by morning. Easy way to keep my typing skills going, after the kids are in bed ?

Dont forget about the ever popular: selling your body to science by participating in research studies.

Offer basic services, including babysitting, housekeeping, gardening, dog walking, painting, snow removal, and other similar odd jobs. These basic services can provide income for motivated teenagers and most of these can be done right in your neighborhood.

You probably do a couple of web searches each day. If you do all your web searches (instead of Google or Bing), you can collect points called SwagBucks. Trade your SwagBucks for a variety of prizes, including gift cards for m, Walmart, PayPal, and more.

102 Ways To Generate Extra Cashat Savings Advice

Income Diversification: Why You Need to Diversify Your Income

If you dont want to get your hands dirty, you can gain exposure to real estate investing throughReal Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). REITs invest in real estate and mortgage, and pay out 90% of the taxable income to shareholders annually.

While we try to ensure that the information on this site is accurate at the time of publication, information about third party products and services do change without notice. Please visit the official site for up-to-date information.

Find missing money using sites likeMissingMoneyWheres My RefundTreasuryHuntPBGC database, andGovBenefits.gov.

25 Ways to Make Money Todayat WiseBread

Everymans Guide to $30 / Month in Passive Incomeat Money Smarts Blog

Sell unused items on eBay orCraigslist. You can also buy bulk items and resell them individually.

Turn your hobbies into income streams. Many hobbies, likephotography, videography, quilting, gardening, and woodwork are ideal revenue generators.

A Game That Will Teach You to be a Cash Flow Maven

15 ways to make $200 quickat Christian PF

All of this is interesting trying to read some of that I havent heard of.

Multiple Income Streams: 10 Ways to Earn Extra Incomeat The Dough Roller

Start abulk candy vending machine business.

Sign up forCash Crate, complete surveys, and refer your friends.

Best of luck in your journey, we started using a few of those tips and it really helps.

Turn your everyday spending into college savings withUpromise.

20+ Free Passive Income Resourcesat Life Optimizer

Spend less than you earn the wrong way to thinkat Brip Blap

Ghostwriting. This is very similar to the idea above, but you write anonymously and the assignments are usually longer. You can ghostwrite articles, blog posts, and even books.

In addition to the passive income ideas listed above and other broad income generation ideas such asstarting a businessgetting a second job, andlearning how to invest, here are specific money making ideas you can try. Most of these items require ongoing work to maintain the income.

If youre looking for current income,investing in the dividend paying stocks(or dividend funds) is a good way to earn money regularly. Pay particular attention to theS&P Dividend Aristocrats; these are companies that have long histories of increasing their dividend payouts each year.

One of the easiest ways to increase your passive income is to shift your savings to a bank that pays ahigher yield on your savings for example,Discover BankandEverBankpay almost 1% for your money. Although it doesnt sound like much (especially in this low interest environment), little things do add up and eventually interest rates will rise.

Become anAmazon Associate, and ask your friends to use your affiliate link when they make purchases.

Awesome list i love working from home every opportunity provided

You buy stuff every day: Why not make the most of your purchases? Take a look at thesecredit cards that pay 5% cash back on your purchases. When you make your day-to-day purchases, use a rewards card and get money back. My family receives several hundred dollars a year from using these cards.

There is definitely money to be made online, to the point people no longer use it as a side income but as a main income.

Wow thats a lot of ways! Ill be experimenting with several ways to earn money online over the next 12 months. I havent been through all of the other sources, but Im looking for some really odd ones to write about fun+money, you know

I am always looking for new ways to earn passive income. Real estate has really worked for us. We find houses in great areas that are either in need of renos or undervalued. So far we have done quite well. Thanks for the insight.

How to Start a Blog for Fun or Profit Introduction to a Seriesat Cash Money Life.

Collect cans and bottles for recycling.

Write for money using a platform site likeHubPages.

Do you want to earn $100, $1000 or even more on the side? You can start earning extra income today with the help of this list of ideas Ive put together. Spend an hour or two each day working on items that are practical for you, and you canbuild alternative income sourcesto help you improve your financial situation  While many of the items on this list are, not all of them are. Some items require you to

Offer skilled services such as tutoring,resume writing, business consulting, blog development, andlogo design.

40 Ways to Make Money on the Internetat Dumb Little Man

Search forfreebiesand sign up bonuses. For example, you can typically get a$100 bonus from a credit card sign up.

Defining Alternative Incomeat Lazy Man and Money

If you like this article, be sure to check out myExtra Income Guide.

52 Ways to Make Extra Moneyat Prime Time Money

Enter contests and giveaways (useGoogle Alerts) and sell the prizes.

You can also write forTextBrokerandConstant Content. Apply to write for various websites that hire freelance staff writers.

And furthermore, the Rain in Spain is always on the Plain!

Make money blogging. This blog has been providing me with daily income since 2007. You canlearn more about bloggingand start start your own blog. Use the following articles to learn more about starting a blog:

10 Unusual Ways to Get Money Fastat Cash Money Life

For a slightly higher yield, build a CD ladder.  Break your money into smaller chunks and buy a series of1-year high yield certificates of deposit. To learn more about this, take a look atHow to Create a CD Ladder.

could you help me to understand about P2P lending ?

Thank for this extensive work. When you make extra money you need to think simple. First thing you should consider is whatever you do must be safe enough that you dont lose your initial investment as well. Also, look at the ways you can reduce your costs. This could be car insurance savings or paying back expensive loans or card balances. Saving is making money as well.

3 Alternatives to Investing in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Very informative and insightful. Helped me out big time.

Automate Your Income to Simplify Your Lifeat Zen Habits

Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can alsosubscribewithout commenting.

28 Ways to Make Money with Your Websiteat Daily Blog Tips.

Damn, this is a really good post. Very informative.

Swagbucks is an awesome site, check it out,

Write and sell eBooks. This is easier than ever with the help of Amazon and the Kindle.

I like the way you have listed the ways to earn extra income and was quite surprise that you did not make mention of network marketing, which is a way to make extra income without quitting your regular, though most people view mlm as a pyramid scheme but the real pyramid scheme is a regular 9 to 5, because you can only have one president of a company at any given time and network marketing business model to promote product that can be used is really cheap to join and can offer a substantial extra income or what do you think?

Some good writing here! I am a realtor myself and frequently get in touch with clients that consider buying a realty estate a conservative of investing. I once heard of a transport company in Vienna, Austria, which focused their entire profit on buying eventually every house available in the downtown for about 80 years. That must be some of a passive income!

5 Ways To Make Some Extra Moneyat Bible Money Matters

65 Home Business Ideas You Can Do From Your Kitchen Tableat Good Financial Cents

Passive income involves ideas or methods that, once you set in motion, require minimal maintenance work. The following money making ideas aremostlypassive, and are proven to work.

I started off as a ghostwriter after high school. It was my combined knack of writing and coming up with crazy money-saving ideas for my family that actually led me to write finance blogs. I must say that I had made substantial bucks doing that!

I saw your comments in this page and i was looking for a similar typing jobs. Thought of checking with you on where can I find such jobs. Would you be able to help me with that info?

10 Surefire Ways to Earn Passive Income

Investing money made online or elsewhere in to some of your first suggestions would keep your money working for you. Great suggestions here.

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A Dollar Saved is Better than a Dollar Earned

Excellent blog post . Lots of ideas . I have earned $1,400 passive income in the past 12 months by an accommodation affiliate website . I am researching ways to earn $300-$500 per month . Your website has given me lots of ideas. Thankyou .

Thanks for the great articlealthough I have to point out many of the items listed are not passive but active, such as selling bodily fluids, writing blogs or resumes, and collecting bottles and cans. To be truly passive, the income source must require no effort on your part (after initial setup). Real estate, dividends, P2P lendingthese are truly passive income sources.

Great post, very good information here. I am particularly interested in peer to peer lending and plan on doing some of this in 2014, plan on starting small and seeing how it progresses. Thanks for the insight!

Passive Income: How to Earn More and Work Lessat About.com

Freelance usingUpWorkGuruFreelancerAmazon Mechanical Turkand other similar sites for leads.

Participate inpaid focus groupstudies.

These are all interesting ways to make extra income without necessarily changing much of your daily life. Cash back reward credit cards are a great way to get money back for the purchases you make.

8 Ways To Earn Passive Income Onlineat iSiteBuild.com

College students:Sell your used books and textbooksat the end of the semester.

When you shop online, go throughEbates. This web site provides you with extra cash back (on top of your credit card cash back) when you buy through them. Install the browser toolbar for even better results.

If you like this article, please sign up for our free weekly updates

This is mostly passive once you have it all set up, but it does take a lot of work at the beginning. Real estate investing also requires occasional maintenance. Currently, we invest in a couple of rental properties and earn about $500 profit from each per month. You can read more about my rental properties at MoneySmartLife.com:How and Why I Became a Landlord.

The information on this site is strictly the authors opinion. It does NOT constitute financial, legal, or other advice of any kind. You should consult with a certified adviser for advice to your specific circumstances.

How the IRS Views Earned and Passive Income

As a landlord myself, I definitely agree with your thoughts on Real Estate Investing. Its one of the best ways to earn passive income, but its definitely not for everyone.

What great ideas to be investigated and inspired by an older 35 year career individual recently a victim of having been terminated due to a reduction in force. Thanks and keep the info coming!

Lending Clubis a platform where you can lend your money to other people. Youre the bank. Each note is only $25, so you can invest $1,000 and lend money to 40 people. There are many grades of loan (from safest to riskiest) and investors earn, on average, between 5% and 7% annualized returns. For more information, check outInvesting and Making Money with Lending Club Peer-to-Peer Lendingand myreal money Lending Club Portfolio.

Passive Income is the Key to Freedom and Retirementat All Financial Matters

Set up niche online store. Some good examples areAmazon.com aStoreandeBay Niche Store.

. He is a licensedRealtorspecializing in residential homes in the Northern Virginia area. Over the past 20 years, Pinyo has enjoyed a diverse career as an investor, entrepreneur, business executive, educator, and financial literacy author.

19 Great Passive Income Ideas That You Can Build Nowat Wealth Pilgrim

Extra Income Guide: How to Make Extra Money

Saving is making money. Making money is saving!

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