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The Worlds Most Popular Bitcoin Wallet, featured in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
Splitwise is the best way to share bills and IOUs and make sure that everyone gets paid back.
What is DigiByte?DigiByte (DGB) is a rapidly growing world-wide professional decentralized payment network, inspired by Bitcoin. DigiByte allows you to move money over the internet similar to PayPal & Western Union but with many improvements, including lightning fast transactions with minimal or no fees. You send & receive DigiBytes to or from any DigiByte address in the world in a matter of seconds with no required sign up, registration, or hidden fees.What is DigiByte iOS Wallet?Unlike other iOS DigiByte wallets, DigiByte Wallet is a real standalone DigiByte client. There is no server to get hacked or go down, so you can always access your money. Using SPV mode, DigiByte Wallet connects directly to the DigiByte network with the fast performance you need on a mobile device.DigiByte Wallet is designed to protect you from malware, browser security holes, even physical theft. With AES hardware encryption, app sandboxing, keychain and code signatures, DigiByte Wallet represents a significant security advance over web and desktop wallets, and other mobile platforms.Simplicity is DigiByte Wallets core design principle. A simple backup phrase is all you need to restore your wallet on another device if yours is ever lost or broken. Because this DigiByte Wallet isdeterministic, your balance and transaction history can be recovered from just your backup phrase.Features:- simplified payment verification for fast mobile performance- no server to get hacked or go down- single backup phrase that works forever- private keys never leave your device- import password protected paper wallets- payment protocol payee identity certificationDigiByte is open source and available under the terms of the MIT license.WARNING: installation on jailbroken devices is strongly discouragedAny jailbreak app can grant itself access to every other apps keychain data and rob you by self-signing as described here and including keyapplication-identifier/keystring*/string in its .entitlements file.
The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.Click hereto review our site terms of use.
The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.Click hereto review our site terms of use.
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