All these games are geared towards kids to teach them about money, finances and economics. The games are fun, not boring at all, and theyll open a world of knowledge about currency to children. And truth is in todays economy it is never too early for kids to learn…
Thats a lot of money! Never enough for everyone I suppose! 🙂
Here is a list of coins for you to print out and have your kids glue to cardboard pieces as part of their learning and playing activities. Click on the big green button View Printable to open the pdf file for printing.
Are you looking for free printable alphabet stencils that you can download and use as you wish? They can be used in lots of creative ways: most people downlo…
When you go shopping, take your kids with you so they can see you with the cashier how you handle money, how you count and give the money and the rest that you get back.
The soap is merely 4.8 x 3 x 1.2 inches, so the perfect size for a kids hands. Perfect as a gift for Christmas to any cleaning-reluctant youngster.
Image credits: Creative Commons Flickr
Cool $100 Bills For Kids To Play With
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i like play money its good to teach kids!!!!!
Teach them how to give you the amount of coins they need to get your dollar bill
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Iudit Gherghiteanu5 years agofrom Ozun
Teach kids the skills to recognize the various types of money – US and international currency
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Place the kid in the role of cashier in a bank and have him or her handle the money, or reverse the role and let him or her write you checks
We found some paper tissues that come as 50 quid notes…endless fun for my partner leaving them all over the place. I wont let him see this free printable play money.
The $1 bills are pretty much the cornerstone of every kid learning about money. Its much easier for them to start to count with $1 bills than say with $25 or $50. Even just to count up to ten is a great way to use the fake paper money.
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Yes Ive used it before to teach my children. They love it! Thanks for the lens.
You have here $1, $5, $10 and $20 bills to print out – open as an image and save to your computer.
Tolovaj Publishing House5 years agofrom Ljubljana
Printing out coins is also fun, and this is what children should start with before going on to paper bills. For example using one of the tips above – you can put a $1 bill on one end and the coins that make that $1 value next to it.
For example when teaching kids about money, you need to show them not only how to spend it, but also how to save it, how to pay the bills and how to get it as well.
would never have thought about something like this but yes it wiould be great for kids to learn about money or create their own games
Barbara Tremblay Cipak5 years agofrom Toronto, Canada
This lens is good fun. Thanks for sharing.
Create a restaurant menu and add prices for each item. Let your kids order the menu and have them pay with their money
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They were using a lot of printable money that can be downloaded from the internet for free and Ive realized that is indeed a great way to teach small children about what money is, why it is important in every day life and the art of fact these days most kids learn about money way before school starts.
Here are some fun ideas to get you started!
I have carefully scanned each page and left here only a few of the better sites that are actually free to use and dont try to cheat you with a membership or whatnot. Have fun printing these out and teaching your kids to use money from an early age.
Great lens with awesome ideas and products. thanks for sharing
What a great idea for teaching kids about managing money, understanding costs, etc. Lots of other stuff too. Love this lens.
nice lens -as a child I used monoploy money
Image credits: Creative Commons Flickr
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If youre looking for free printable calendars for kids, youll find here a whole bunch of resources that you can use for your kids to print out and start us…
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This will be awesome for my 3 year old to play with. She is always taking my money out of my wallet.
Ah, that we could all print money! Nice job. Angel blessed.
Peggy Hazelwood5 years agofrom Desert Southwest, U.S.A.
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I had no idea it was so easy to print your own money!
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Now come the bigger money: $50 bills. This is some serious cash to learn about, so here are some great free places to download your templates and free money for your kids, to teach them the value of dealing with money in every day life.
Image credits: Creative Commons Flickr
There are two sides to the game – either be a banker, or a business person. When the two play, each time turns are taken as to who is the banker and who is the businessman or business woman. Its quite a fun game, one which has pretty much every paper bill and coin available, so everything is possible, just like in real life.
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Let your kids take thisMoney quizzfor learning more about handling money (quizzes are free to take.)
I think free printable play money is a great educational tool for parents teaching kids about the value of money.

When my son was small, he brought a package of play money to me while shopping at Target and said This ought to help out my allowance! If it were only that simple…. 🙂
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Yes, definitely, its a great way to teach kids all about money
You get $1, $5, $10, $25 and $25 in paper bills. The coins are the same, but in cents. Its an absolutely adorable game that will teach kids about how to use money in various ways, just like when dealing with real currency.
Kids Playing With Play Money On The Street
Simply have lessons in learning to count money – it doesnt get easier than that!
Thanks for this, now I can print my own cash!!!
finally i can have all the money what i wish…
Now thats a novel idea if Ive ever seen one! A money soap that will make kids scrub hands in a jiffy, even when before they were conveniently forgetting it, or simply making faces when it came to clean up.
Image credits: Creative Commons Flickr
A really nice lens. Great ideas of how to teach our kids to use money. Thank you.
My daughter came down this morning with her little purse that I made her and wanted to fill it with the stuff mommy has in her purse. So I quickly put together a paper wallet and thanks to your lens full of money she is now busily cutting out her money for her new wallet. Thank you.
We need fake money for a high school play and this is perfect! But Im having trouble printing it, why does it only print half the bill?
Cool! My son would love this! Thanks for sharing!
I have listed below a few of the best free resources on printing templates and fake money that children can play with at home as if it were real money. Dont forget that this activity also helps spending some quality time with your kids!
this is a splendid lens with a wealth for information def worth a like 🙂
Its important to teach kids about money. Nice lens.
Kids will definitely benefit from these ideas.
(image credits aboveCreative Commons Flickr)
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Kids Playing With Play Money On The Street
Very nice lens about money, I like it
I prefer that the school teaches my kids these things
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Ideas To Use These Free Printable Play Money
When my son was about 4 or 5 years old, he ran up to me excitedly while shopping at Target with play money in his hands. He said, Mom, this ought to help out my allowance! I hated to explain it all to him…
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Great resource. Ive pinned it. Im not sure if we will need money for any math this year, but just in case…..
Good share. Too bad my children are already beyond this phase.
Ive always been interested in the design of currency and of money in general. 🙂 This is a really cool lens.
Once you print out your money, the question is – how do you use these?
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I see you cant have enough of $10 bills – so here is some more for you to open in pdf file format and print.
Can Free Printable Play Money Teach Kids The Art Of Handling Money?
Want more $50 bills to print out? Here is another pdf sheet for you to use as template
With the play money teach them about the value of a dollar. For example place a $1 fake bill on the table and next to it the various coins that make the $1. They can see that even though there are many more coins that the paper bill, the actual value is not necessarily in the number of items on the table.
Adorable, cute and a must for everyone with small kids!
This is one of the games my friend is playing with her daughter at home. Its quite a clever game,which Ive played at times with them as well. The game is for 2 to 6 players, so the 3 of us have been found often times playing it for fun (and to teach her daughter finances). Also its a great way to spend some quality time with the family.
Set up a small grocery store (or other kind of store) in a room and have kids buy things with their money. They can learn to count how much money each item cost, and how to best handle the situations when money is not enough
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Can Free Printable Play Money Teach Kids The Art Of Handling Money?
Also they can learn about getting coins back at shopping and just how much is the rest that they should get back. Basically coins are equally important, and they can teach kids another aspect of finances and money handling than when using paper bills.
Another fun way to teach them about finances is by playing bank – giving them some allowance and charging them lets say 5% interest. Follow that up over time to see how they pay you back and how much money remains to them available.
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There are many free printable number stencils that you can choose from without having to buy them. Paying money for something that is free in the first place…
Oooh, I need to link to this lens on my How to Make a Board Game lens!!!
There are tons of places that offer printable $1 bills to print for your kids to play and learn with.
Loving the idea on this lens, youve done good job on the content.
my youngest would get a kick out free printable money!
Play money is a lot more hygienic than real money, and its also handy for replacing all those missing dollar bills out of the Monopoly set!
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Play money is such a good teaching tool for home or school.
By playing banking games, you can teach your children that money is good to be exchanged for various goods, such as toys, chocolate and other things they want. But they will have to also learn that sometimes money is just not enough for everything, so counting the coins and paper money is crucial, in making sure that there is enough of it for spending. Learning about the real value of money is one of the most important lessons kids of today can learn.
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WOW – thats a lot of printables! Several years ago when I was a lot younger, I taught 13 kids, grades 4 through 12 in a 1 room school house setting (my huge, over-sized dining room complete with 8 ft. chalkboard) and I used a lot of printed play money to teach thriftiness and making change. You cant imagine the number of young folks today that cant make change! I also used it as incentive…give each student a coupon organizer and they got different denominations of play money for things like: getting to class on time, attendance, grades, turning in work each day, etc. At the end of the school year, I purchased several gift items and tagged them with high prices and the kids went to the end of the year auction and bid on them. Kids loved it. Taught them to save money and spend it wisely. Thanks for the time you spent on this lens.
This is pretty cool. I never thought of printing money for them.
Next come the $10 bills. Kids need to have every type of play money that also exist in real life as currency. Here are some of the best places for free printable $10 fake money for your kids to enjoy.
I would think there is a great potential for teaching economics to children especially useful perhaps for home school lessons.
When I was a kid I remember to having played with the very same money type – by this manufacturer exactly. Fond memories. I thought at the time that its just for fun, but little did I know that those kinds of early games would help me greatly later on in life when the real $100 would be just part of my income to put in the bank – or shop with.
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Kids will see that even though there are way more coins than money, the actual value is much less and sometimes weight does not equal real value.
Cool $100 Bills For Kids To Play With
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I was never really aware of the power of free printable play money until a friend of mine had me around during one of her homeschooling sessions with her daughter. The daughter has a slight physical disability, so its easier for the mom to keep her at home than bring her to school every day and back. Homeschooling makes for some very interesting lessons (she is actually a teacher by craft anyway), and being privy at some of these fun lessons, Ive learned quite a big myself.
I consider this to be information of quality and it appears to be written so as to make the reader think. I like your writing style and appreciate your efforts.
This is great my son is getting to that very pretend stage and i hadnt even thought of being able to print play money from the net…. i guess i should have i find most everything else online. Thank you
Using $20 is fun because the money become bigger in value, so children can enter a more complex are of money and finances. By now they have learned about the smaller amounts so theyre ready for the bigger numbers to print, learn and play with.
Years ago I had no printer, so I was drawing money for my child. He plays a lot with it.
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now…if only my local shop would accept these.
Teach Your Kids To Count Money With these Games From Amazon
Great list of resources. Now I just need one with printable real money…
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This is great but the Canadian money (which is what led me here) is either not here or extremely hard to find. Any ideas where I could find free printable play bills in Canadian currency?
This is a great lens, you have shared lots of helpful information. Thanks for sharing.
Rewards good behavior with play money, so they gather enough for their next games
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Great idea, excellent lens! Blessed by a Squid Angel 🙂
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There is no doubt about it, kids need to learn about finances from an early age. But there are various aspects that you need to really focus on with them for best results. While I dont have kids myself, a best friend of mine has, and Ive been with her several times during her homeschooling her daughter, and I picked up a few tips that can be useful everywhere.
Odille Rault6 years agofrom Gloucester