Print Play Money Fake Money and Dollar Bill Templates
Dino Dollars! Money Templates for the Dinosaur Lover!
The images on the left have a transparent center. You can use Microsoft Publisher, Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Gimp, or any other graphics program to add your face images. Right-click on the images and select Save Link As or Save Image As to download them to your computer.
Free Printable Play Money Templates for Kids
Play Money Templates Smiley
**If you are not sure how to use these templates below, Click Here and check out the How To Make Play Money video tutorial on how to download and use these images and templates.
Create Your Own Playmoney With Microsoft Word
Choose From An Assortment Of Free Play Money Templates To Download And Print!
Money Templates To Add A Face (or your any picture) To Realistic Looking Money
Click the text on the right to download editable WORD document money templates to add faces.