Ripple How Could Its Value Develop in the Future?

The success of XRapid will decide the future run of Ripple. Today over 100 Financial clients are testing Ripple but not all are doing it with XRapid. Adding more and more clients will help the company to build an image. The best bet could be industry adoption of XRP as a liquidity vehicle.

If you check our blog there is some more context on the valuation of ripple.

2018-01-09 13:10:30 [comment_content] =Yes there is alot of debate over how high ripple could get to. However, if we do this simple back of envelope calc which is very low level stuff. Current money transfers globally per day – 6 trillion dollars. Currently cryptocurrency does less than 0.5% of all world currency. If Ripple is able to gain 1% of money flow that is 600Bn under management or in circulation. If ripple maintains the 100Bn ripple coins in supply, this puts the price at around $6 dollars. Very crude and basic level of understanding as there is a lot more that goes into this. If Ripple can continue on its marketing and sales program and move that 1% figure into the 10 – 20% figure (bringing on more banks and payments instuitions) , I think that is when we will see some incredible prices in the product. ~ $60 – $120 US Of course this is a flawed model and there is more that goes into it. If you check our blog there is some more context on the valuation of ripple. [comment_karma] =>

Of course this is a flawed model and there is more that goes into it.

The success of XRapid will decide the future run of Ripple. Today over 100 Financial clients are testing Ripple but not all are doing it with XRapid. Adding more and more clients will help the company to build an image. The best bet could be industry adoption of XRP as a liquidity vehicle. [comment_karma] =

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Ripple: How Could Its Value Develop in the Future?

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse has addressed this issue by placing 55 billion XRP inescrow. This is a brilliant piece of technology that enables Ripple to promise a predictable supply and enables investors to instantly verify such a promise. The cryptographically secured escrow account sets up a so-called cryptographic supply schedule. In this case, it is programmed to automatically release 1 billion XRP at the start of each month while freezing the others. Whatever amount of XRP remains unused at the end of the month automatically gets returned to the back of the escrow cue to be released after month 55. This removes supply uncertainty and still gives Ripple the needed flexibility to direct their XRP coins towards investors that create the type of market conditions that benefit Ripple as a company, and that align with its larger mission, such as using tighter spreads for payments.

Raj [comment_author_email] = [comment_date] =

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If Ripple is able to gain 1% of money flow that is 600Bn under management or in circulation.

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2018-03-08 19:49:15 [comment_content] =

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If ripple maintains the 100Bn ripple coins in supply, this puts the price at around $6 dollars.

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Ripple: How Could Its Value Develop in the Future?

2018-01-09 13:10:30 [comment_date_gmt] =2018-01-09 13:10:30 [comment_content] =>

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Very crude and basic level of understanding as there is a lot more that goes into this.

If Ripple can continue on its marketing and sales program and move that 1% figure into the 10 20% figure (bringing on more banks and payments instuitions) , I think that is when we will see some incredible prices in the product. ~ $60 $120 US

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Current money transfers globally per day 6 trillion dollars.

Unlike many other popular cryptocurrencies,XRPis not mined. There are 100 billion coins in existence, and they were created by the company Ripple.

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Ripple: How Could Its Value Develop in the Future?

0 [children:protected] =

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36 [comment_type] =

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WP_Comment Object ( [comment_ID] =2018-01-09 13:10:30 [comment_date_gmt] =>

2018-03-08 19:49:15 [comment_date_gmt] =

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Yes there is alot of debate over how high ripple could get to. However, if we do this simple back of envelope calc which is very low level stuff.

Yes there is alot of debate over how high ripple could get to. However, if we do this simple back of envelope calc which is very low level stuff. Current money transfers globally per day – 6 trillion dollars. Currently cryptocurrency does less than 0.5% of all world currency. If Ripple is able to gain 1% of money flow that is 600Bn under management or in circulation. If ripple maintains the 100Bn ripple coins in supply, this puts the price at around $6 dollars. Very crude and basic level of understanding as there is a lot more that goes into this. If Ripple can continue on its marketing and sales program and move that 1% figure into the 10 – 20% figure (bringing on more banks and payments instuitions) , I think that is when we will see some incredible prices in the product. ~ $60 – $120 US Of course this is a flawed model and there is more that goes into it. If you check our blog there is some more context on the valuation of ripple. [comment_karma] =Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.112 Safari/537.36 [comment_type] =>

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When thinking about buying XRP, the cryptocurrency that runs on the Ripple blockchain payment system, investors should be considering what roleRipplemight play over the course of the next decade. A couple of important considerations factor into this.

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There are still a lot of potential roadblocks on the way to XRP being traded at 5$. The biggest one might simply be the pace of ongoing innovation in the field. If another payment system offers an even more attractive alternative using a different coin as a bridge currency, the amount of money being transferred viaRipplewill decrease substantially, or even wipe out XRP usage completely. Government regulation is another issue. China has recently banned ICOs and it wouldnt be surprising if others followed suit and banned the use of currencies such as XRP by their financial institutions. Russia has effectively done this by creating a national cryptocurrency theCryptoRuble and banning the use of any other coin. Lastly, many banks have started developing their own cryptocurrencies for the use of interbank transactions. If these institutions efficiently develop and grow such systems, it could mean another bump in the road for Ripple.

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Ripple has been fast growing and is currently at amarket capof just under $7.5bn. This means that the currently circulating supply of about 38.5 billion XRP is trading at around $0.2 each. Heres one basic idea to support buying XRP for the long-run (buy and hold):

123592 [user_id] =

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The number of institutions that have partnered with Ripple has exceeded 100 and is growing rapidly. Yet the price of Ripple has steadily fluctuated around $0.2 for the past months. Why is that? For one, there has been a lot of uncertainty about XRP supply. XRP supply, unlike other cryptocurrencies, is in part controlled by the company Ripple who currently owns more than 60% of all existing XRP coins. The fear is that the company will suddenly capitalize on its position and flood the market with those coins, causing a massive oversupply in the short run. If you are an investor in the company, that would instantly make you a lot of money, but for holders of the coin, it could be devastating.

With more and more banks using the Ripple protocol, the supply of Ripple will eventually have to be enough to support the total transaction volume of all the players using the system. Since XRP could feasibly replaceSWIFTas a payment system due to its lower cost and higher speed,  SWIFT figures can be used as an estimate.SWIFThandles about $5trn each day. Therefore, in an extreme case, there could be 100 billion XRP supporting 5 trillion worth of transactions. Since XRP is effectively a bridge currency that acts as a carrier of value from A to B, this would place one XRP coin at 50 dollars. This is, of course, an unrealistic and extreme example (Ripples market cap would be $5trn Applecurrently has the highest US market cap at $730bn). But the example serves to illustrate what investors are betting on. If one bought 100 dollars worth of XRP today and it were to rise to 5 dollars per coin, one would have turned a $100 investment into $2500 dollars, therefore a 2500% return.

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Currently cryptocurrency does less than 0.5% of all world currency.

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The idea that the maximum supply of XRP will one day drive a majority of financial transactions is a powerful incentive to buy XRP coins. Ripple has managed to address the fear of rapid oversupply very effectively by using an automated supply schedule. However, the possibility of other curveballs heading towards Ripple is still significant. Those could include unfavourable government regulation as well as the development of more innovative systems that would act as competition.

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