Ripple Vets Raising Money for Crypto Hedge Fund

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The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by astrict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.

The filings detail two vehicles, Fractal: Virtual Currency Investment Fund I LP and Fractal: Private Investment Fund LP, both of which are incorporated in Delaware. Neither filings indicate how much money is being raised for either entity.

Two former employees of distributed ledger startup Ripple are raising money for a cryptocurrency hedge fund, public records show.

Disclosure:CoinDesk is a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which has an ownership stake in Ripple.

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Jan 29, 2018 at 17:30 UTC Updated Jan 30, 2018 at 13:04 UTC

The developments perhaps highlight the continued drive to establish hedge funds and other financial entities amidst a period of heightened activity in cryptocurrency markets and development around the tech more broadly. Like others, Fractal is looking to invest in the growing ecosystem of digitized assets.

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And even as traditional investors move to invest in the space, others are pushing even further. As reported last week, a group of former Wall Street vets has raised as much as $50 millionto create a fund of fundsfocused on cryptocurrencies.

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Ripple Vets Raising Money for Crypto Hedge Fund

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Twin filings to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) dated Jan. 25 and 26 show that co-founders Tim Lewkow and Eli Lang are seeking funds to back Fractal Investments, which invests in crypto-assets,per its officialwebsite. The company dates back to last summer and has maintained a public profile primarily through its Twitter account.

While most top-25 cryptocurrencies took a hit last month, lesser-known cryptocurrency bytecoin scored decent gains.

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Court records show that distributed ledger startup Ripple is being represented by two former SEC officials including its former chairwoman.

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Bitcoin looks primed for a move to $8,000, but low trading volumes point to the risk of a bull trap.

Ripple is setting aside millions of dollars to fund university-based research into blockchain, cryptocurrency and digital payments.

Lang is formerly creative director for Ripple, havingbegun workingfor the San Francisco-based startup in 2012. Lewkow worked for Ripple from December 2013 until June of last year, most recently serving as integration engineering manager, according to hisLinkedInaccount.

Stack of coins image via Shutterstock

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