What are non-Bitcoin applications of blockchain technology? – Quora

So, lets flip ahead on the calendar and start looking at what the future holds. Its 2018, and our sixth protocol primitive is in placeValue Transfer. Chronicleds Blockchain x IoT API is not only powering unique product identities and supply chain tracking and provenance, but it can also enable machine payments and IoT economies.

Is blockchain a fad or a revolutionary technology?

Lets take a deeper into some other really awesome projects that are, or plan to be utilizing blockchain technology.

Today, the global real estate market is worth $217 trillion and makes up more than half the value of all mainstream assets worldwide3. One great differentiator between real estate and other major asset classes is liquidity. Compared to exchange-traded securities such as equities and government bonds, real estate markets are not as organized or efficient as other markets, with incredibly slow transaction times and less efficient price discovery mechanisms. As a result, substantial capital is trapped in less liquid investments, often concentrated in certain geographic areas devoid of domestic investment opportunities. While many investors with excess liquidity would welcome the opportunity to invest in foreign real estate assets, there are currently substantial impediments to such investment activity.

When a blockchain block is created and filled with information, miners will put it through the process. They take the information in the block and apply a mathematical formula, turning it into something else, a hash. Hash is short and consists of letters and numbers in the first eye with random consistency. Hash will be stored with the block, at the end of the chain, any next hash contains all previous hashes.

On the Ethereum network, developers are able to build these decentralized applications simply, within this seemingly complicated new technology. Think of it as Shopify or Volusion, they are centralized networks in which users/developers can build e-commerce stores more efficiently and cost effectively.

3) Digital Assets- The blockchain can be used to create digital assets such as stocks, bonds, land titles, and frequent flyer miles. These assets are created using protocols on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Example protocols includeColoredcoinsandCounterparty. Companies using this technology:Chain,NASDAQ,Openchain.

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Ethereum is similar in this aspect, the network was essentially created to assist and fuel the growth of decentralized blockchain applications within its network.

Now, what Ethereum is based on, is a thing called Smart Contracts

Blockchain technology distributed across multiple data centers can ensure security against attacks on important network and hardware equipment.

1) Currency -Bitcoin began as a P2P electronic cash system. Anyone can hold bitcoin and pay anyone without a middle man. Examples:Bitcoin,Litecoin.

Storj.ioandfactomare two start-ups exploring this idea. After encrypting your data, it is sent out to a network with easy to track basic metadata.

Which is now estimated to cost the industry about $18.5 billion annually, according to a report released Thursday by Distil Networks.

Just imagine never having to worry about your digital security every again. Its a massive problem in the world.

Not sure what that has to do with your sneakers? Let me explain.

They sell their own token (C20) in which gets autonomously traded across the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market cap. Think the S&P500 or the DOW but for crypto.

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For example, if two people want to exchange $100 at a specific time in future when a set of preconditions are met, the conditions, payout and parties details would be programmed into a smart contract. Once the defined conditions are met, funds would be released and sent to the appropriate party as per terms.

Everyday your hear about Blockchain technology, Bitcoin, ICO, Ethereum but do you understand what blockchain, cryptocurrency and Smart Contracts are? How does it all work? How can blockchain be used in business? How will blockchain change the world? This article is aimed to answer all these questions.

To sum up, there are lots of opportunities with Blockchain technology and its immeasurable potential for improving the quality of service provision improving the confidentiality and integrity of data at the same time. Transparent transactions, full accounting of data are just first steps towards a better digital and sustainable world.

Ive done extensive research on this company and Im into what theyre after. They have a good plan, a dependable team and now the resources to get there.

These are legally binding programmable digitized contracts entered on the blockchain. They are smart because they are automated and can self-execute. What developers do is to implement legal contracts as variables and statements that can release of funds using the bitcoin network as a 3rd party executor, rather than trusting a single central authority.

Basically, by inserting the cryptographic hash of the document in a transaction, when that transaction is mined into a block, the block timestamp becomes the documents timestamp, said Aroz.

What if you could cut your mortgage rate, make it easier to update your will?

As mentioned above, most of these applications are still under developed The future potential of the blockchain applications is still unraveling. The next couples of years will be all about experimenting and applying to all aspects of society. Regardless of which application comes first on a global scale. The bottom line is, Blockchain is here to stay and will and is transforming how our society functions.

What are non-Bitcoin applications of blockchain technology?

Miners dont just use the transactions in a block to generate a hash. Some other data pieces are used as well. One of these data pieces is the hash of the last block stored in the blockchain.

ShoCardis a digital identity that protects consumer privacy and is as easy to understand and use as showing a drivers license. Its optimized for mobile and so secure that a bank can rely on it.

At some point, everyone who has bought collectible shoes or luxury clothing online has had the same thought. Is this the real deal?

What are the most interesting new blockchain applications?

One of the reasons why your business should use this technology is about its open source structure. It means that other users of the network can read and confirm (or unconfirm) the information. The essential thing of being open source is that it cant save logged data without majority Blockchian network users.

Can you imagine what would happen to our governmental structures?

By giving computers control over contracts, we can make business more efficient and make the legal system more equitable.

Blockchain technology is set to change everything. Its time to start paying attention to the innovations that blockchain is creating, because the pace of disruption is only going to increase. The progress weve made at Chronicled in just three years has been astounding, and weve only just begun.

5 Important Use Cases of Blockchain Technology

Many states use voting machines that are over 10 years old that are not only antiquated and failing, they are also becoming increasingly expensive to maintain as parts are no longer manufactured. Election fraud undermines the very fabric of democracy. -BTC

A drone hitches a ride on an Uber and uses the charging port on top to refuel. Then it makes a micropayment for the ride and the charge before resuming its journey. If you think that sounds futuristic, then youre going to be in for some surprises in the next few years. Were talking about decentralized energy grids. Fully secure and connected smart cities. And eventually, a fully connected world running on the protocols that weve built.

Propy aims to solve the problems facing international real estate transactions by creating a novel unified property store and asset transfer platform for the global real estate industry. Initially the Propy Registry will mirror official land registry records in which transfers of real estate are recorded. Ultimately, however, Propys vision is that jurisdictions will adopt the Propy Registry as their official ledger of record such that the transfer of a property on the Propy Registry constitutes the legal transfer of the property and the legal registration of that transfer. By leveraging Propy Registry and Propys smart contracts platform, unnecessary delays and impediments inherent to legacy property rights registrations systems could be eliminated. The Propy platform seeks to enhance the security of transactions while reducing inefficiencies through its innovative use of mobile, cloud and blockchain technologies linking buyers, sellers, investors and registries around the world

Blockchain technology can be applied to identity applications in the following areas:

Smart contracts solve the problem of intermediary trust between parties to an agreement, whether that is between people transferring assets like gold, or executing decisions between two parties in a betting contract, explained Vitalik Buterin, a founder of Ethereum.

Blockchain technologies makes tracking and managing digital identitiesboth secure and efficient, resulting in seamless sign-ons and reduced fraud.

Track the purchasing approvals of goods and services in

After anonymously uploading the document and paying the network fee, a hash of the document (or any other type of digital file) is generated as part of the transaction.

Healthcare: The use of digital signatures based on blockchain data, which allows access only with the permission of several people and full compliance with keys, will allow to regulate the availability and maintain the confidentiality of medical records. People related to health sphere will create their own network, which will increase according to numbers of new patients, insurance companies, doctors and medical staff and will reduce chances of fraud during medical services payments.

But how could we create a unique identity for a piece of fine art painted on a canvas? Or a bottle of rare wine? Or the designer purse you ordered online last week? The answer: tiny microchips, just like the chip inside your credit card.

But lets keep moving. Fast forward to 2016 when we were hard at work on the newest uses for blockchain. Many of our clients were interested not only in using the blockchain to register and verify the identity of an object, but also in using the smart contract feature of blockchain to securely transfer custody and/or ownership. In parallel with our own move into smart supply chain, more enterprise players were beginning to work with blockchain technology as the vast possibilities became evident.

The greatest barrier to getting electoral processes online, according to its detractors, is security. Using blockchain, a voter could check that her or his vote was successfully transmitted while remaining anonymous to the rest of the world. In 2014, Liberal Alliance, a political party in Denmark, became the first organization to useblockchain to vote. With American voter turnout still shockingly low, distributed digital voting may represent a way to enfranchise non-participants.

How can we be sure that the last blockchain element stays intact, and is never tampered with?

Those were the first two primitive protocols we developed at ChronicleRegister and Verify. There was finally a way to register fine art, luxury goods, and consumer products with an unreproducible identity that could then be verified by the consumer. Its a game-changing concept that is already creating a safer, more transparent buying process for consumers.

Manuel Aroz, a Buenos Aires, Argentina-based developer, who built Proof of Existence as a decentralized method of verification, a kind of cryptographic notary service explained:

Blockchain technology offers a solution to many digital identity issues, where identity can be uniquely authenticated in an irrefutable, immutable, and secure manner. Current methods use problematic password-based systems of shared secrets exchanged and stored on insecure systems. Blockchain based authentication systems are based on irrefutable identity verification using digital signatures based on public key cryptography. In blockchain identity authentication, the only check performed is whether or not the transaction was signed by the correct private key. It is inferred that whoever has access to the private key is the owner and the exact identity of the owner is deemed irrelevant.

The Blockchain is a technology based on the virtual digitized decentralized network with blocks of information. When you add any information in the network (e. g. transaction), you add it in all computers in the network. But if another user in this network adds his information and make a new block after yours, you cant modify your block. However, you can edit your block if you make it editing from all computers in the network and make similar changes in one moment only. It makes Blockchain one of the best technology for saving and structure information.

What is the coolest application of Blockchain technology?

WePower is a blockchain-based green energy trading platform.

Like the Bitcoin network exchanges Bitcoin, applications within the Ethereum network would exchange ETHER. Therefore making the Etherum network have its own digital currency or, cryptocurrency that these decentralized applications would run on.

And it turns out that blockchain has plenty of other uses. We founded Chronicled in order to investigate those non-financial uses by building the first IoT x Blockchain laboratory in the world. Much of our early work in that laboratory was focused on fine art, consumer products, and luxury goods. Why? Because those are industries with a high prevalence of counterfeit goods. Some industries, like pharma, lose billions of dollars each year due to supply diversion and counterfeit products.

Ethereum is an open source platform with the mission to build and inspire next-generation decentralized applications. In other words, the applications being built on the Ethereum network would have no middle men. Users are able to interact safely with social and financial systems to transact peer to peer, therefore opening a new realm of opportunity within decentralized development on specifically the exchange of value.

Sidenote: Look out for small niche business popping up usingSlock.ittechnology and Storj together. If I were Airbnb or Uber, I would be paying close attention to this.

Well Theres quite a bit!Thousands in fact.

Just imagine a society where your vote is guaranteed from the comfort of your phone.

Anyone on the internet can store your data at a pre-agreed price. Hashing and having the data in multiple locations are the keys to securing it.

platforms like Ethereum are bringing smart contracts closer to reality. Additionally, because data stored in the Blockchain cannot be tampered with,basic contracts like marriages have already been recorded in code.

A smart contract is a digital contract between two people in which the technology or tool handles the management, performance, enforcement and payment of the agreement. The smart contract has its own digital bank account of ETHER and settles once the product is received or the service is completed therefore greatly improving the efficiency of data tracking, payment processing and user friendliness of each decentralized application.

6) Smart Contracts- Software programs that live on the blockchain and execute without the possibility of third-party interference. I call this PHP in the sky. Examples:Ethereum,RootStock.

Blockchain technology works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which means blockchain-based transaction process is quicker.

How do I market Blockchain technology?

I could go on and on These are just a few that I think make good examples of how this technology can be applied.

Developers are extremely excited about this tool, a smart contract is similar to how it sounds, its a digital contract that self-executes Think of it as a virtual vending machine.

Be it banking, healthcare, national security, citizenship documentation or online retailing, identity authentication and authorization is a process intricately woven into commerce and culture worldwide.

Current cloud storage services are centralized thus you the users must place trust in a single storage provider. They control all of your online assets.

Blockchain data storage will become a massive disruptor in the near future. (3-5 years)

This advantage is rather a consequence of the decentralization of the network. Instead of holding a third party for data processing, stakeholders decided to control each other and decide what to do next. For example, the inability to achieve 80% consensus on the update, tied to the bitcoin block, lies in the fact that more than four months ago it was necessary to develop a plug into two separate currencies (bitcoin and bitcoin in cash).

Ameer Rosic Serial Entrepreneur Investor & Blockchain Advocate

My hope is, that Blockchain technologies will become the gold standard for all nations of the world in the near future. It is time for our system and governments to become more transparent.

My company,Tierion, is a pioneer of the verifiable data category. Here are some practical use cases that have been built using our platform.

The world of smart contracts is fast approaching, but what are they?

On the other hand with the Blockchain, this can become decentralized. For instance,Storjis beta-testing cloud storage using a Blockchain-powered network to improve security and decrease dependency. Additionally users (you) can rent out their excess storage capacity, Airbnb-style, creating new marketplaces.

Archive every Slack communication, creating a verifiable record of your companys online conversations. Handy for regulated industries such as finance and healthcare.

Chronicled was founded in 2014. We set out to explore non-financial use cases for blockchain. The average person has probably heard of blockchain in the context of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. And while blockchain does underpin those cryptocurrencies, the terms arent interchangeable. Blockchain isnt Bitcoin, its the technology that makes those cryptocurrencies possible.

It enables renewable energy producers to raise capital by issuing their own energy tokens. These tokens represent energy they commit to produce and deliver. As a result, energy producers can trade directly with the green energy buyers (consumers and investors) and raise capital by selling energy upfront, at below-market rates

As the blockchain is a public database, it is a distributed sort of consensus, your document becomes certified in a distributed sort of way.

As you remember, blockchain allows you to execute transactions without the need for a third party, which is often a bank or a central server. Since the intermediary is absent, then you do not need to keep it, which allows you to get rid of impressive expense items.

Deloitte is delving into Ethereum, Eris and Ripple

When a supply chain can easily stretch halfway around the globe, how do you know if those Yeezys on your feet are legit? When we started Chronicled, we werent thinking about Yeezys specifically, but we did have a goal in mind. That goal was to create a global protocol for blockchain that allows any object to be registered to, verified against, transferred on, or–in the case of the special class of objects that had a chip inside–to sign off on events, messages, accesses, financial transactions, etc.

The data breach at Target was significantly broader than originally reported: The company said that 70 million customers had information such as their name, address, phone number and e-mail address hacked in the breach.

Do you remember what happened with Target?

Hashes have some properties. Its easy to produce a hash from a collection of data like a bitcoin block, but its practically impossible to work out what the data was just by looking at the hash. And while it is very easy to produce a hash from a large amount of data, each hash is unique. If you change just one sign in a bitcoin block, its hash will change completely.

Can you imagine how the landscape of the political system would change?

The Smart Supply Chain Initiative led us to some incredible projects in several different industries. For instance, we began work on the MediLedger project, a joint venture that set out to solve the problem of counterfeit drugs in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Weve also worked on a responsible gold venture to track the provenance of the worlds gold supply, and with our partner Ambisafe we will tokenize physical gold by linking the physical gold bullion identities to digital, tradeable ERC20 tokens for the first time in human history. In the future, we can track many kinds of conflict minerals with this same blockchain approach.

In 2015, Chronicled began working with companies to embed, or affix, cryptographic microchips in or on luxury and consumer products. We would then register those encrypted identities to a blockchain so they could be authenticated. Those microchips cant be copied or corrupted. They have a unique identity that allows consumers to determine whether or not the 1947 Cheval Blanc on their dinner table is the real deal.

Crypto 20 is the first autonomous cryptocurrency index fund to be tokenized

Notice that industries all across the spectrum are benefitting from blockchain. Thats not a coincidence. Moving forward, the trust, security, and data privacy that blockchain brings is going to change and improve nearly every industry.

Law: It is worth to return to the beginning and mention such thing as a smart contract. A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow to have the performance of credible transactions without third parties. This simple piece of code will help you save your money on the transaction as it is written into a data block which can not be changed. It will deprive you of the need to perform any digital actions yourself when certain conditions are met.

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Just imagine never having to pay for notarization ever again: The world is evolving towards a value base economy. Where, if you are not adding value to whole, you are no longer needed. And its about time. To many archaic systems exists today that only leech of of you instead of adding value in your life.

Last year a team accredited to observe the 2013 municipal elections in Estonia the only country to run Internet voting on a wide scale revealed that they observed election officials downloading key software over insecure Internet connections, typing PINs and passwords in view of cameras, and preparing election software on insecure PCs.Norway also canceled trials of e-voting systems in local and national elections, concluding that voters fears about their votes becoming public could undermine democratic processes. (Source:A security analysis of Estonias Internet voting system by international e-voting experts.)

This, in effect, uses the public and ledger-like nature of the block chain to store the proof of your file, which can later be verified should an issue of authorship or dating arise.

That means for every $3 spent, $1 is going to ad fraud.

Nowadays popularity of this technology in different spheres growing up at a great pace. And its all about Blockchain advantages:

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Government: Many government agencies continue to process 70% of the information in paper form, including information about citizens from unauthorized hacking. The consequences of this method are slow work of agencies and corruption. The Blockchain technology can improve transparency, speed up work and check corruption in governments all around the world.

Such a sick project My opinion may also be a little bias because of how much I enjoy learning and investing into blockchain innovations within the energy sector but for those of you who may not know how this works, lets dive into what WePower is offering.

Even JP Morgan had gotten in on the action with Quorum, their own enterprise ledger and smart contract platform. So, we went from registering and verifying products, to also transferring custody, ledgering data and events, and tracking provenance of an item over time using more powerful systems and smart contracts. In 2016, we began working on our next two protocol primitives, Transfer and Ledger, and our Smart Supply Chain platform was born.

When you send transaction to traditional banks, its a common thing for transactions to take days to be completely settled. This is due to protocols in bank transferring software, as well as the fact that financial institutions are only open during working/business hours, five days a week. You also have financial institutions located in various timezones all around the world, which delays processing times, but it`s not about blockchain.

How to use blockchain in different spheres

Events such as hacked databases and breached accounts are shining light on the growing problems of a technologically advanced society, without outpaced identity-based security innovations.

Energy: Probably one of the most popular use of Blockchain technology in the modern world. The fact is that energy is quite expensive and not enough, but it can be saved by obtaining energy from renewable sources (solar, wind, etc). Someone produces less than he needs and someone more than he actually needs. People began to create micro networks for the exchange and storage of the energy. But what does Blockchain have to do with it? The answer is quite simple, in order to maximize the rational use of the generated energy, they began to use Blockchain technology to see how much energy was consumed, at what hours, etc.

One interesting feature of the blockchain is its timestamp feature. The whole network essentially validates the state of wrapped piece of data (called a hash) at a certain specific time. As a trustless decentralized network, it essentially confirms the existence of [something] at a stated time that is further provable in a court of law. Until now, only centralized notary services could serve this purpose.

It will take a substantial amount of money to lift this project as high as it needs to be to compete with other companies likePower Ledgerbut if it does, the rewards and impact of this company could be huge.

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This essentially makes it possible for anyone to have his or her owndiverse crypto portfoliowithout having to actually buy the various cryptocurrencies themselves.

The Proof of Existence website shows recently uploaded files that have hashes on the block chain.

What are Bitcoin and blockchain technology?

From Sneakers To Pharma to Gold: An Inside Look At The Evolution Of Chronicled

2) Payment Infrastructure- You can use Bitcoin to send money around the world. Merchants can accept bitcoin payments. This is slightly different than using bitcoin as a currency. Uses cases include merchant processing and remittances. Examples:BitPay,Abra.

Next prime blockchain reason is lack of a central data hub. Instead of running a massive data center you save your information in decentralized net, where any user can read, check and (un)autorizate any of your actions.

Currently, I see six broad categories of uses for the Bitcoin blockchain:

5) Verifiable Data -Create a verifiable record of any data, file, or business process on the blockchain. Examples:Tierion,Proof of Existence,Factom

Protection: Unauthorized access or modification of critical infrastructures, such as operating systems and network firmware, can seriously damage not only the security of a particular user but also undermine national security with a larger attack scale. In most countries, defense equipment is managed both at the side of deployment of this equipment and from large control centers, which threaten a great danger in terms of massive centralized attack on one of these centers. The Blockchain technology will create an impregnable network with impossibility to get management access from the outside.

4) Identity- Companies offer blockchain IDs that can be used to sign in to apps and web sites, digitally sign documents, etc. Heres mine:Wayne Vaughans blockchain ID. Companies:Onename,Keybase

Proof of Existenceallows users to upload a file and pay a transaction fee to have a cryptographic proof of it included on the bitcoin block chain. The actual file is not stored online and therefore does not risk unwanted publication of the users material.

Blockchain is well suited for tasks such as tracking goods as they move and change hands in the supply chain. Blockchain opens up several options for companies transporting

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